We are developing a new possibility for a sustainable city.
另一方面,這個城市每天都排出大量的廢料,不過當中不少其實不是垃圾! 很多人愛飲咖啡。不要小看每杯咖啡幾克的咖啡粉,香港每年用上超過150萬公斤的咖啡豆。成為堆填區的一部分,成為污染環境的一員。但其實咖啡渣不壞! 被遺忘的它不是垃圾,是營養豐富的材料。
只要花點心思就可以成為本地食材生產的一員! 變身成為成為新鮮美味的本地菇。我們起一場革命,改變咖啡渣被遺棄的命運,改變這城市中廢料的命運。
我們100%本地生產。無激素! 無農藥! 無使用殺蟲殺菌劑! 材料經高溫殺菌,食很安心又健康!
We are developing a new possibility for a sustainable city.
Urban Mushroom upcycle wastes generated from our urban life to edible mushroom. While over 98% of our food is imported, a freshly picked mushroom is a luxury. We are creating a healthier life and better future for all locally.
Every day, we are generating a lot of waste, which could have a second life! We love coffee, the little coffee cake from each shot sum up to over 1.5m kg of bean waste each year! However, don’t feel guilty!
This waste is a perfect substrate for oyster mushroom. We could save it, make it productive instead of destructive. Our mushroom is locally produced without synthetic pesticides or stimulant. Support us!